Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tis the Season

My goodness, but December is a busy month. Just look at this list:

  • December 5th 1st day of Hanukkah
  • December 22nd – Winter Solstice
  • December 23rd – Full moon
  • December 25th – Christmas Day
  • December 26th Kwanzaa begins
  • December 31st – New Years Eve
Depending upon your religion, or lack there of, you are probably quite busy now: shopping, mailing holiday cards, traveling to see family or friends, etc. Then too, many businesses have some type of holiday celebration (pot-luck luncheon, formal dinner, or the like) for their employees. Hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy some type of happy gathering.

Many people get upset this time of year too. Lately (last several years anyway), many people get mad if you say “Merry Christmas”, then there are those that get mad if you say “Happy Holidays”. I generally stick with “Happy Holidays” myself simply because not everyone celebrates the same event this time of year (see list above), so I stick with something generic to try and cover all the possibilities. “Happy New Year” is quite benign, so that’s another phrase I feel safe with.

I wish that this could be a happy time of year for everyone, but the reality is anything but. There is so much negativity in the world right now (and I see no reason to add to the misery by including an extensive list – you know what’s going on). Then there are so many people who find this a very difficult time of year [for many reasons]. If I could, I would wave a magic wand and make “peace on Earth, good will towards everyone” a reality.

So, try to find some happiness for yourself, where ever you can. Besides, what other time of the year do you get to say “tis”?!

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